Nolīgstot tādas profesijas pārstāvjus kā detektīvi, būsiet tikai ieguvējs, jo viņu galvenais uzdevums ir pēc iespējas precīzāk izpildītpasūtītāja vēlmes. Detektīvi ir gatavi darboties gan dienu, gan nakti, lai uzticētais uzdevums tiktu izpildīts. Galvenā klienta kompetenceir sniegt detalizētu informāciju, veiksmīgam uzdevuma atrisinājumam.Ātri atrisināt kādu svarīgu un steidzamu lietu Jums palīdzēs detektīvi.Pēc smagiem un nogurdinošiem darba mēnešiem, būs vajadzīgas aviobiletes uz kādu aizraujošu zemi.
Economical and legal stability in Gibraltar gives additional advantages to the owners of Gibraltar offshore companies: not only they enjoy all the features of asset protection, but also acquire stability and good reputation for their business.
Offshore company is a specialized offshore incorporation firm located in Gibraltar and licensed by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission to provide offshore company formation services.
BVI company law provides minimum obligation to file any returns or reports.
BVI IBC's are not obliged to prepare or file financial accounts, annual returns or
records. However, the company must keep whatever financial records the
company Directors feel enough to show and clarify the transactions carried out,
and to determine the financial position of the offshore company.