► BVI offshore International Business Company is a private
◄ ► corporation exempt from taxes, having flexible structure and maintaining
◄ ► strict confidentiality, not burdened by excessive reporting
◄ ► and record-keeping requirements.
◄ ► BVI company law provides minimum obligation to file any returns or reports.
◄ ► BVI IBC's are not obliged to prepare or file financial accounts, annual returns or
◄ ► records. However, the company must keep whatever financial records the
◄ ► company Directors feel enough to show and clarify the transactions carried out,
◄ ► and to determine the financial position of the offshore company.
◄ ► There are Seychelles shelf companies available, however if you wish
◄ ► to form an IBC according to your own needs, you can choose among
◄ ► the full range of optional services, including nominee services,
◄ company management, offshore bank introductions.