Apsardze un signalizācija tiek pielāgota katra īpašuma un apsargājamā objekta specifikai.Tādi literārie tēli kā Šerloks Holmss un Erkils Puaro var iemiesoties arī dzīvē. Mūsdienās detektivu pakalpojumi tiek izmantotidažādas informācijas iegūšanai un apstrādei.Aviobiļetes ir lētākas, ja tās iegādājaties laicīgi, nevis brīdī īsi pirms izlidošanas.
The BVI are a British Overseas Territory, and this provides for the country
exceptional political and economical stability and higher standard of living
than in most countries of the region. This is
an ideal financial and tax planning centre for international business
that is seeking less publicity and more confidentiality.
Personal privacy of any shareholder or director is well protected as their names
do not appear in any BVI incorporation documents and public records.
In their turn, shareholders and directors
are ensuring confidentiality of beneficiary owners.
The new BVI Business Companies Act provides full tax exemption